Google AdMob

In order to display AdMob banners and/or interstitial in your app, start by adding a new app in your AdMob account along with a new banner/interstitial then set those IDs in app/app.config.ts:

adMobBannerId: null,
adMobInterstitialId: null

The integration with the AdMob Cordova plugin is handled in providers/admob-service.ts. Whenever you want to display a banner/or interstitial you can import AdMobService and call one of these functions:


By default showBanner() is called after the app and all Crodova plugins are initialized, in app.component.ts:

platform.ready().then(() => {

If you haven't configured your banner id nothing will be displayed. If you don't want to show banners you can just remove that line.

Google Analytics integration is only available in IonFire Pro version.

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